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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Forward to Progression

After a lot of modelling I am getting real close to finishing this, I have added a lot more into it today a productive day as you can see. Tomorrow I am going to start texturing everything. I do want to a something but I don't know what at this point and whether it does need something in it. Here is its current look.

The curtains were a bit of a pain to make and then I over complicated them at it looked horrible. Here is what I had.

 I didn't like the way it looked it was over complicated and despite spending the time to do it I decided to scrap it. 

Tomorrow I shall go forward to texturing and figure out some more details later.


Friday, 12 April 2013

Some more pretty things

So I haven't updated in a while since I have being sick for a few days :(

Anyway now I have an update for all of you. I have done a few more things since I last showed you my 3D environment. So here are some of the new editions.

Getting closer to texturing now got a few more things that I want to add to the scene before I have finished modelling. But its getting there not perfect though.  

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Nutcracker animation test

Here is the test of the animation to see if it works. I skipped rigging because of time and well he didn't really need it since everything was created as separate parts to make it easier to animate so here is a quick test.


Friday, 5 April 2013

nutcracker textured

Okay after a bit of re-discovery I figured out how to do unwrapping again. YAY. And now my nutcracker is textured and wants some bones. He is ready to strut his stuff and become a Video star, queue music. 


For one of our assessments we were given footage and told to replace an image in the scene and place a animated model in the scene. This is my animated model, its not rigged or textured yet, but here is to show you what I have chosen. This guy might look familiar. :) 

Oh yes its a nutcracker. :)