So more 3D models done. At some point I am going to have to texture all these. Then I will defiantly regret my decision. Okay so here is what I have accomplished. A bunch of erasers, a paper tray, a sharpener (more complicated to make then you would think because it is so fiddly) and I have started my way on creating a chair (again super tough). Few this project is pretty time consuming but still a lot of fun for me.
Okay and some more drawings!! Yeah super excited so many gotten through this week. I am pretty impressed. It makes me happy and I am seeing some development in my work so that is always a huge positive!!
Lastly for me I am working on a secret project and I decided to do a style test using the style that I wanted to work with for the project and a reference image I had of Halle Berry as Cat Woman.I am actually pretty happy and surprised with the result. I am going to do a few more of these next week to do a few more style tests as well as some colour tests too. We will see how I do to see if I can pull off this style. Anyway check out the results.
That is all I have at the moment. I hope you like my progress so far and some more progression next week.
Over and Out
Animator Nerd