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Friday, 29 March 2013

Concept Art

Okay one of our tasks is to crate pre-production work and visual effects.
This assignment we are doing a ship take of and landing, so far we have finished the concept work and are currently working on a pre-viz, but here is the work up to date.

Story Boards 

The first part was to crate story boards. I had and idea of what I was going to do it was a temple ship. This was going to be a big ship with a very grassy surrounding. I did a little bit of research into what it might look like. looking at some grassy environments 

  Then I did my concepts.

 It wasn't working for me at all though. It seemed clunky and awkward and I couldn't figure out how it was going to work. then I changed the idea, came up with this bubble type ship and more of an Icy surrounding. So back to more research.

I worked out a bunch of ideas but the angles were not dynamic enough, kind of flat and boring. I needed to make them more interesting so I choose two that I liked and decided to extend on it.

I drew some concepts based off the two that I liked and developed them changing the angle and trying to find something to work better a three of the angles did inspire me though.  

So I developed and changed them more, to come up with 3 I liked. 

These felt like they were right and that they were dynamic enough and interesting. I was happy and I liked them. 

Ship Concept

 I then from that started to develop my ship design. So I could adapt my story board off the design. 
I started with some research into some ships that I liked. I wanted a light ship, that looked interesting, had some kind of weapon on it and looked like it was a small transport ship. Something that also would suite the terrain of the windy icy mountains that were in my concepts. 

I took aspects from each of the ships that I liked, like the shape of the top left corner ship and the bubble ship, inspired me to do a jet. also the wings of the second top left inspired mine. I liked how all of them had different segments and  and layered parts it made it look interesting and dynamic. 

 This is the first design I came up with based on the things I liked off the ships. 

It looked good but, not interesting enough and really unbalanced in the wing which wouldn't suite the environment  and  on collaboration with my lecture he gave me some tips on the the design and how I could change it. 
This was his exceptional drawing. (which he signed) 
From his drawing I came up with this. 

It feels a lot more balanced now and more like a ship. and its a lot more dynamic.It also suited one of my shots perfectly. 

Environment Concept

From doing the ship design I went off to do the concept of the environment. Basing the concept off my original story frames and figuring out the light and changing the things I didn't like I went for a blue colour, it seemed to balance the Icy surrounding of my environment. 


Shot breakdown

The next step was to break down each shot and figure out what was needed for the scene and what I would have to make and develop. I talked it over with my lecturer and then this is what we came up with. 

Shot 1
4secs 100frames
·         Atmospheric  fog (slight)
·         Fore ground matte painting on polygon (sculpted) slight displacement
·         Rigged ship
·         Atmospheric fog (volume)
·         Animated element (landing gear)
·         Base model and texture (needs more concept/reference photos)
·         Outcrops (matte painting on polygon (sculpted) slight displacement)
·         Sprite light flares
·         Background plane (mountains)
·         Animated element
·         Cloud bank
·         Sky dome

Shot 2
2secs 50frames
·         Thruster  smoke
·         Thick fog bank

·         Textured Rigged ship
·         Animated propeller
·         Sprite light flares
·         Sky dome


Shot 3
2secs 50frames
·         Fore ground matte painting on polygon (sculpted) slight displacement

·         Rigged textured ship
·         Atmospheric fog (volume)
·         Animated element (thrusters/ wings)
·          Sprite light flares
·         Thruster smoke
·         Sky dome
·         Background plane (mountains)
·         Cloud bank. 


I still wasn't happy with the first frame and how baron it looks. The scene didn't look right and I wanted to make it a bit more dynamic and awing, since it was an establishing shot so I redrew it. 

 It looks a lot more interesting and more dynamic now so I was finally happy. 

For a last note I wanted to rough up the idea for the building and this is what I developed. 

It looks a bit like an oil rig, I figured that the people the people that might be in the area are mining or searching for something in the caves. since it is such and isolated environment. So I made it more industrial and have make shift living quarters.

the next stage of this assignment will be doing the pre viz. Which I am working on currently. I will update you with it when I am done. 

over and out.      


  1. it looks good to me...i like it....

  2. It's great to see your concepts developing.

    A couple of projects that seem to spawn some very creative environmental concepts (because people put a lot of time and talent into researching and developing them) are Dune and Assassin's Creed. Like these for example:



    cghub.com and cgsociety.org are also good places but you can spend an awful amount of time on those sites, so be wary.

    1. ha ha ha maybe I should look at them during the holidays then.
