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Friday, 17 May 2013

VROOOM VROOM SWOOSH, onto flying we go

My ship is modeled and well, hopefully going to be textured soon, after an immense amount of work on it. I am liking this model quite a lot, its the first time I have made something this mechanical, and since I am not really minded like that there has being a lo of reference involved. I can't wait to see this thing fly and animated. Its going to hopefully be something to be marveled at.

Here's some snap shots.


  1. awesome ~! looks amazing alana ~ you've put so much effort in =P ~!

  2. You realise, Alana, that you're just going to have to explain all those bits on the undercarriage to us now. You can't put in all that wonderful detail and then leave us in the dark as to how it all works.

    1. i want to say it works buy magic :D But i'll update it with an explanation to how it works when I get some time
