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Friday, 8 January 2016

Week 22- Studies and and a new illustration

Hay all I hope you have had a fantastic holiday and a great start to the new year. I am happy to say I am up and back into working. It's great to pick up a pencil and start working on some new stuff despite the heat. I have taken to being a little nocturnal as of late so I don't have to sweat on my pages. I also have finally got my printer up and running so I can scan my A3 work now. So happy!! So here is the review.

Study 1 - Photo Studies
A little bit of visual update with my sketches to mark 2016. I am very close to finishing her off now for just legs and feet and I can call this one complete.

Study 2 - Colour/Light Study
Another hour of work and another section of hair down. Note to self hair is incredibly time consuming. 

Study 3 - Life Drawing 
I got some more life drawing done this week. Huzzah it's good to get back in the motion of getting some life drawing done especially after not drawing for a week and a half. 

Study 4 - 
Another one with hair. Slowly this one is progressing too. I love working on animals. I say this every week but I am just going to keep on saying this because I love animals. 

Study 5 - Animation 
 I am going to be skipping study 5 from now on until I have something solid to show. Due to the fact I have other projects and I only do an hour a week I don't have solid work on this on every week. I will show you guys an update once I get the blocked in animation done. 

Study 6 - Anatomy 
Feet, feet everywhere!!! 

 Study 7 - Facial Expressions 
So I have finally finished on one person now I have moved onto another one. This is pretty exciting to be able to move towards because I was feeling that this person needed more variation in her facial expressions. 

Study 8 - Humans in Action 

Okay last of all I want to introduce you to Ada. She is one of the characters for a animation I am working on. Also happens to be the first illustration of the new year!!! I will let you know more once I start working on the animated parts but for now here is a little teaser on her design. 

I have a couple more illustrations in the work which I will be working on for a bit over the weekend and next week in between working on some other projects 

Until next time 
Over and out 
Animator Nerd 

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