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Monday, 25 July 2016

Week 50 - More creatures of a new kind

Another week of my journey completed. I have being super busy but really excited and in anticipation of what is coming next for me. I have such an enormous work load at the moment but I am still making time to take down my little creatures. They are the light in my busy week. So here I am this week once again showing you my exciting new creations.

The Dobercat 

The Dobercat is a tall and proud animal. It has being known throughout the history of the land dwellers in some parts of the world they are idolized as gods and known as protectors of life. Land dwellers will quite often live with them in their homes due to their protective nature and their fierce loyalty. As they are also known to sense trouble and are surprisingly strong creatures that have the ability to take down a fully grown adult if needed.  

The African Basenji Tree Drog 

The African Basenji Tree Drog is a small creature. It is a tiny animal that impressively launches itself into the air using its hind legs. It has being measured to get up great distances at incredible speeds to catch its prey.    
The Dodopillar 

The Dodopillar is not known for its intelligence and despite it having a set of wings on its back it can't fly. It has a sharp beak that allows as a form of defense to some of the bigger prey that search them out as a good form as sustenance.

The African Wild Basking Sharkdog

Despite its sharp teeth and being a relative of sharks these guys here only like to eat fish and bubbles. They are a quite playful creature that is known to play with its fellow sharkdogs and chase its tail. They have also an odd curiosity with bubbles and quite often spend many days chasing them in the water.  

I shall have more  for you when I return next week. Hopefully I can keep up the flow of work while I get busy working on some other things. In the mean time don't forget to show me your admiration through any of these methods:

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Keep tuned for more adventures!!!

Monday, 18 July 2016

Week 49 - Studies into the unexpected.

Hello all I am back from all my journeys and ready for another crazy week. I had a busier week that I thought I would have least week and I am so close to finishing something new. Since I am not going to have this piece done yet I shall at the very least show some more spliced animals I have come across.

The African Barbed Frish 

The African Barbed Frish looks like a normal fish despite their curious flippers that have enough strength to swim through the water and hold them up on land. They also have a curiously long tongue that they use to catch their prey the fly.

The Caracole 

With fierce loyalty the Caracole defends its pack with a single half turn and quick reflexes. With its large ears it has an exceptional sense of hearing. It hunts its prey using sneaky maneuvers and often lays in wait ready to pounce.If their hearing and reflexes didn't already make it a fierce predator they have an exceptional sense of smell too allowing it to smell prey underground. There is really no hiding from these great beasts.  

 The Barn Eleowl 

The Barn Eleowl is a sight that can be majestic and beautiful. There is a lot of old folk law spoken about these creatures. Some believe these creatures are angel reincarnations of elephants that have pasted. Others believe they are like gods are quite often worshiped is sections of the world. All will however agree these large majestic creatures a sign of luck. This is due to their harmonious nature with the land dwellers. They work in unison in harsh drought times to bring the rains and help the land flourish.

The Cassiscus

The Cassiscus is a very shy and timid creature. Despite being closely related to birds it in fact has an inability to fly. It's however more known for its intimidating size and bright colours that seem to overshadow its quite nature.  

The African Penacuda

This terrifying creature is one you will not want to meet in the depths of the ocean. It has savage teeth and underwater can travel at fast speeds. It's an intimating foe as it feeds off meat and had even being known in groups to take out far greater foe. Although it is also a land dweller it is slow and lagging so can be easily out maneuvered. They also make for quite caring parents.    

I have many more exciting adventures to come but for the moment this is all I have. So as I continue to weave my tale don't forget to show me your admiration through any of these methods:

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Keep tuned for more adventures!!!

Monday, 11 July 2016

Week 48 - A new illustration and spliced animals continued

Hello all and a mighty good Monday. I have a lot of exceptional things that I am working on currently. All in anticipation for something super exciting I am working towards. I can't yet divulge my plans but its going to be an exciting new platform for me and make ready for some new one of a kind content. While I have being working away getting everything ready for this event I am going to show you some of my warm downs and a new illustration that I have just completed.

Here are some of my all new animals that I have discovered over the many lands I have traveled. Many of which in the future when I become a mad scientist. I will re-create in my laboratory. Muwahahahahahha

The Camer 

A camel and a deer combination. They are very majestic creatures moving in between forest and desert climates. They can spend many months is hot climates as to their ability to store water. The nature of the Camer is a  lot lest timid than are deer and have the perfect harmonious nature with land dwellers to allow for transportation. You however need to be cautious as to the giant antlers that sit on their head because when they feel disrespected or protective they are not afraid to use them as a for of defense.

The banded Bush Civphant

A rarely seen nocturnal animal. Most haven't had a lot of opportunity to get close to this timid creature. You will more likely hear them than see them. Their noticeable thumping noise they make using their front legs as they run across the desert terrain is not always the best indicator of where they are located.

The Desert Tortaan Dog 

Both a predator and prey. It's mighty shell works as both a means of defense to the massive predators that roam the land but also works as a great disguise. The shell that limits their speed as to its weight these clever companions have optimized as a great device to get closer to their prey. The Desert Tortaan Dog buries itself into the ground cover its body to disguise itself as rock.

The African Civicoot 

Closely related  The banded Bush Civphant. The African Civicoot its a quieter species. Still nocturnal like their relatives these timid creatures are impossible to detect in the wild. They are gentle creatures. That rely on their strong sense of smell to locate their prey. They look like they could make for the prefect pets. That is if you don't consider their sharp claws and teeth.  

The Capysche Baracke

Most of you will be able to recognize this little fellows for having him in your home. At least you would say that if you lived in their little world.  These little fellows make for fantastic companions. With fierce loyalty they guard you and your home. Despite their protective nature that are playful animals that get along with other creatures happily. Just watch out for their unexpected size.

Now you have seen some of my new discoveries through my adventure. I have something exciting to show you. I have managed to capture  the Caihund in colour. If you don't remember him from before he had a name here is is in his initial sketch.

On further observing this fine creature despite his rough exterior he is quite a friendly and playful. Here his is in his colour.

Good news if you love him enough you can actually buy him here to take home with you:

Just go to:
society 6

That is me for now. As I continue to weave my tale don't forget to show me your admiration through any of these methods:

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Keep tuned for more adventures!!!

Monday, 4 July 2016

Week 47 - More spliced animals and a new illustration.

Hay all it has being another busy week but at last I can let you in on some of my work again. Amazingly I have done some more spliced animals. So I have lots more of them to show you now. I have also got a lot of excitement over all the ones that I have achieved. Some I wish I had the scientific know how to splice real animals together and create real life animals. So I can run around in super interesting and adorable animals all day.

Well onto the creations I say. "FLIP THE SWITCH!!" "Yes Master!"

I also have completed a new illustration. Good news with this one. It is not going to stop here. It is going to continue on to be a series of illustrations. So introducing Galaxy bears!!!

The first one is mercury. :D He is super adorable and I have a lot of ideas for these little guys for the moment however I have only got mercury. Soon to have more. 

You can also buy this guy in store.

Also there is also a Sale at Redbubble where you can get 20% off everything only for a limited time however. So make the most of it today and buy some of my work. 

I am starting some new work this week and will be continuing on some other work so keep your eyes out for more of my work or as I continue to weave my tale don't forget to show me your admiration through any of these methods:

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Keep tuned for more adventures!!!