The Dobercat
The Dobercat is a tall and proud animal. It has being known throughout the history of the land dwellers in some parts of the world they are idolized as gods and known as protectors of life. Land dwellers will quite often live with them in their homes due to their protective nature and their fierce loyalty. As they are also known to sense trouble and are surprisingly strong creatures that have the ability to take down a fully grown adult if needed.
The African Basenji Tree Drog
The African Basenji Tree Drog is a small creature. It is a tiny animal that impressively launches itself into the air using its hind legs. It has being measured to get up great distances at incredible speeds to catch its prey.
The Dodopillar
The Dodopillar is not known for its intelligence and despite it having a set of wings on its back it can't fly. It has a sharp beak that allows as a form of defense to some of the bigger prey that search them out as a good form as sustenance.
The African Wild Basking Sharkdog
Despite its sharp teeth and being a relative of sharks these guys here only like to eat fish and bubbles. They are a quite playful creature that is known to play with its fellow sharkdogs and chase its tail. They have also an odd curiosity with bubbles and quite often spend many days chasing them in the water.
I shall have more for you when I return next week. Hopefully I can keep up the flow of work while I get busy working on some other things. In the mean time don't forget to show me your admiration through any of these methods:
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