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Monday, 18 July 2016

Week 49 - Studies into the unexpected.

Hello all I am back from all my journeys and ready for another crazy week. I had a busier week that I thought I would have least week and I am so close to finishing something new. Since I am not going to have this piece done yet I shall at the very least show some more spliced animals I have come across.

The African Barbed Frish 

The African Barbed Frish looks like a normal fish despite their curious flippers that have enough strength to swim through the water and hold them up on land. They also have a curiously long tongue that they use to catch their prey the fly.

The Caracole 

With fierce loyalty the Caracole defends its pack with a single half turn and quick reflexes. With its large ears it has an exceptional sense of hearing. It hunts its prey using sneaky maneuvers and often lays in wait ready to pounce.If their hearing and reflexes didn't already make it a fierce predator they have an exceptional sense of smell too allowing it to smell prey underground. There is really no hiding from these great beasts.  

 The Barn Eleowl 

The Barn Eleowl is a sight that can be majestic and beautiful. There is a lot of old folk law spoken about these creatures. Some believe these creatures are angel reincarnations of elephants that have pasted. Others believe they are like gods are quite often worshiped is sections of the world. All will however agree these large majestic creatures a sign of luck. This is due to their harmonious nature with the land dwellers. They work in unison in harsh drought times to bring the rains and help the land flourish.

The Cassiscus

The Cassiscus is a very shy and timid creature. Despite being closely related to birds it in fact has an inability to fly. It's however more known for its intimidating size and bright colours that seem to overshadow its quite nature.  

The African Penacuda

This terrifying creature is one you will not want to meet in the depths of the ocean. It has savage teeth and underwater can travel at fast speeds. It's an intimating foe as it feeds off meat and had even being known in groups to take out far greater foe. Although it is also a land dweller it is slow and lagging so can be easily out maneuvered. They also make for quite caring parents.    

I have many more exciting adventures to come but for the moment this is all I have. So as I continue to weave my tale don't forget to show me your admiration through any of these methods:

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Keep tuned for more adventures!!!

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