Ok so back on the journey at hand. This week I managed to grind my pencil down to a stub and then have chosen a new victim to ensue the masses of paper I consume in my never ending journey to make terrible squiggly lines into well not so terrible squiggly lines. So please take a moment to remember all the beautiful bits of paper that were so pretty get destroyed and then travelled on a great journey to become renewed in the fountain of recycling. Then also the not so lucky pieces of paper that then made the journey from my desk to be shredded up and become bedding in the tiny beasts lair by the name of socks. So he can stuff in in his nest and cuddle up and keep nice and warm and on the odd occasion pee happily onto.
You have gone of track again I hear you say. Well let me happily put you on the right track and down the journey of studies.
Study 1 - Photo studies
Through this chapter I finished a new one. Oh and what's that I have also started a new one. Yep that is right everybody that was griping to their chairs you have in fact seen now 16 finished drawings since I started. Aren't you mind blown by this revelation. I think you have being. Now unfortunately I have to leave you on another cliff hanger because you need to tune into next week for the next instalment of drawing 17.
Study 2 - Light and Colour study
You know when you are so close to something you can almost feel it. Well this is what I feel about this study. I am so close to finishing this one. In a few more sessions this one will in fact be completed and then I can move onto the next one. Yay!!
Study 3 - Life Drawing
This week I continued on with doing a female and a male study. Now there seems to be something about the male models always having long luscious hair so therefore looking kind of like a bit more of a butch female. So I am going to to label them so you defiantly know which one is which. Just ignore all text if you don't want to know which is which and you will be surprised.
The Male with luscious and long flowing hair.
Study 4 - Animal study
Just the bottom half to go, some finishing touches and this guy will be at completion. Then it will be onto some of the more extensive studies of this guy.
Study 5 - Shhhh still a secret.
Promising you that something will be here soon or will there. Dun-Dun-Duhnnnnn
Study 6 - Anatomy
Feet, feet more feeeeett. Feet, feet everywhere. Oh wait. These aren't feet they are hands. Yes that's right I did in fact branch out my study now focusing on hands. So expect in the near future a constant flow of hands on my blog and why not? Hands are a big from of expression and action. It is always good to do some studies of hands.
Just in case you have missed all the feet over the weeks here is the collection of them just so you don't feel disappointed.
Study 7 - Facial Expressions
Faces faces everywhere where do they stop. They don't they are never going to stop a long as I keep finding images I am keep going to do them.
Study 8 - Human in Action
So since I completed all the images I had and also since I said I would go to 50 and I am now well past that I thought it was finally time to go to the next stage of the humans in action refining the body. I have chosen 35 of them to push forward with and have started working on them again. The next stage is to refine them from the block figures and start adding added details.
Just so you can see all my finished ones from the first stage together here they are.
Study 9 - Motion study
My favourite of the week. I love this one so much just because of the video I have being watching as reference has completely blown my mind. I wish I could what they do and so quickly.
Study 10 - Shhh another secret to be revealed
Study 11 - HONY people
Study 12 - Spitpaint 30 mins
So I decided I wanted to finish this environment off so I decided to put another 30 mins in with the same aim trying to get as much done in the 30 mins as possible. Lets just say I am not use to such speed.
Now I have gone through all my studies I am going to give you guys an update on the WIP illustration I am doing. I showed you the starting of it two weeks ago well now I am showing you part of the final outlines.
I have a lot of work cut out for me on this one. More then I have aimed to accomplish before but it is going to be fun to work on and push me more than I have done before.
As I continue to weave my tale don't forget to show me your admiration through any of these methods:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/artofalanawilliamson
Tumblr: www.alanas-atmos.tumblr.com/
Deviantart: www.alana1234.deviantart.com/
Keep tuned for more adventures!!!
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